Hidetoshi Koizumi
2010年にフランスの Ultimae Records と契約し、2020年まで Hybrid Leisureland 名義で活動を行っていたが、自分本来の表現を追求するため、2021年より本名に改名し活動。フランス、ハンガリー、ドイツ、日本でライブ活動を行う他、ファッションブランド、映画、広告(CM)、プロジェクションマッピング、ゲーム音楽への楽曲提供も行っている。
Composer and arranger of electronica and ambient music. I am active in Japan and France. I began composing music after realizing the infinite nature of music, which can be created with all kinds of sounds, including human voices and car engines. In 2010, I signed a contract with Ultimae Records in France, where I worked under the name Hybrid Leisureland, but I changed to my real name in 2021 to rediscover my original identity.
In 2010, he signed a contract with Ultimae Records in France, where he worked under the pseudonym Hybrid Leisureland until 2020. Then, in 2021, changed to his given name in order to pursue his own original expression.
He performed at events in France, Hungary, Germany, and Japan. In addition, he has provided music for fashion brands, movies, advertisements (CM), projection mapping, and music games.